'Alawī. Photo by Jack Jeffery


Please Donate to the Friends of Hakalau Forest.

Donations are used to fund necessary projects on the Refuge that are above and beyond the Refuge’s budget. In the past the Friends have funded a water tank to supply the nursery, a new roof for the volunteer cabin, picnic tables, and brought an old truck back to life for use on the Refuge.

Please fill out the form below to donate.
If you prefer to make your payment by check, please mail to:
Friends of Hakalau Forest NWR, PO Box 6065, Hilo, HI 96720

If you would like to contribute to the Endowment, please scroll to the end of this page for the link.

Would you like to give a DONATION to a friend or to HONOR a loved one? If so, please complete the form with your personal information, and then in the Additional Comments box just enter the recipient’s name, address, email, phone, or in case of honoring a deceased person just enter the name and any additional information that you want. Use your own credit card for payment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to friendsofhakalauforest@gmail.com and we will respond promptly.

To cancel a recurring donation please email us at friendsofhakalauforest@gmail.com

Water tank installed by the Friends of Hakalau Forest
Re-roofing the volunteer cabin. Photo by Lorri Ellison
The camo truck at Hakalau. Photo by J. B. Friday
New picnic table. Photo by J. B. Friday
We welcome your contribution to the Endowment (you can donate anonymously if you wish). Please click on the button to access Hawai'i Community Foundation’s secure website
Nene Goose. Photo by Dean Masutomi
Sunday Morning at Hakalau Forest. Photo by Dean Masutomi
Hawaii ‘Akepa. Photo by Jack Jeffery
‘Ōhi‘a (ohia), photo by J.B. Friday
Photo by Lauren Gutierrez
Ma‘ohi‘ohi (Stenogyne calaminthoides). Photo by Dean Masutomi